

Installation Problems

  • You receive an error: "An error occurred while downloading… dotnetfx.exe"
    • Your internet connection may be down. You must be connected to the internet to install Microsoft .NET.
    • You must run with Administrator rights on your computer.
  • Windows 98, 98SE and ME users:
    • We recommend rebooting the computer after installation.
    • We've seen video driver compatibility problems with Microsoft .NET. The video driver may need to be updated - either through Microsoft's Windows Update (available through Internet Explorer's Tools menu), or through the video card manufacturer.

  • If you have an anonymous proxy set up for web access, it will likely interfere with communications between Prospector's web browsers and its web server. The on-line help file that comes with the software will tell you about a minor change that needs to be made. You will have to either:

    1. Configure Internet Explorer to bypass the proxy when communicating with the web server that is on your local machine, or
    2. Configure the proxy to not anonymize local host traffic (i.e. it should not modify the network traffic within your machine).

    Both of these options are safe.

  • You receive an error: "The MSIEXEC.EXE File Is Linked to a Missing Export MSI.DLL:222", the Windows Installer files are mismatched or corrupted. Please download and install the latest version of the Microsoft Installer: For Win9x/ME, download this package. For WinNT/2K, download this package.

Operating Problems

  • You get an error like the following: "Bad Gateway [code=DNS_HOST_NOT_FOUND], The host name was not found during the DNS lookup."
    • Please click on the Tools menu / Prospector Options, and on the first tab, select the "Do not map localhost" checkbox. If you click OK to close the dialog box and restart Prospector, that should fix it.
  • If you're running a RAID system or using virtualization, not all such systems are compatible with Prospector's licensing code. If you do see a problem while running with these setups, please contact support.

For any other problem, please check to see if you have the latest version of Prospector. You can compare the version stated in the Help menu / About Prospector dialog against the latest version on the Download page.

For help with the program, please contact support@moxieproxy.com.

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